Blue Lacuna — 109 of 467

Aaron A. Reed

Release 4

Section - Print Style Commands

To say o:

unless asking-which is true or we are remembering, set the text style for object-word;

now the currently printing style is object-word.

To say t:

set the text style for topic-word;

now the currently printing style is topic-word.

To say d:

set the text style for direction-word;

now the currently printing style is direction-word.

To say dc: if dir, say "[d]". To say dr: if not dir, say "[d]".

To say as the parser:

now we-are-parser-speaking is true;

if a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds, be more bored with "parser speaking";

set the text style for parser-word.

To say as normal:

now we-are-parser-speaking is false;

reset output-styles with parser-word.

To speak as the parser (str - some text):

say "[as the parser][str][as normal][line break]".

Before printing a parser error: say "[as the parser]". After printing a parser error: say "[as normal][line break]".

To say x:

reset output-styles with currently printing style;

To reset output-styles with (whichstyle - a printing-style):

if we-are-keyword-printing is true begin;

now we-are-keyword-printing is false;

let val be the output-style of whichstyle;

[ if ( out-of-line keywords > 0 or print-upper-case is true ) and whichstyle is not parser-word begin; say end-word with I6; say end-word-aftermath with I6; print line ( upper buffer limit of I6 ) of I6; end if; ]

if val is 1 or val is 2 begin; say roman type;

otherwise if val is 3; say roman type;

otherwise if val is 4; say variable letter spacing;

otherwise if val is 5; say roman type;

[ otherwise if val is 5; say "*";

otherwise if val is 6; say "_";

otherwise if val is 7; say "[close bracket]";]

otherwise if val is 8; now print-upper-case is false;

end if;

if we-are-parser-speaking is true, say as the parser;

end if.

To say i: say "[italic type]". To say r: say "[roman type]".

To say north: say "[dc]north[x]". To say northeast: say "[dc]northeast[x]". To say east: say "[dc]east[x]". To say southeast: say "[dc]southeast[x]". To say south: say "[dc]south[x]". To say southwest: say "[dc]southwest[x]". To say west: say "[dc]west[x]". To say northwest: say "[dc]northwest[x]". To say up: say "[d]up[x]". To say down: say "[d]down[x]". To say in: say "[d]in[x]". To say inside: say "[d]inside[x]". To say out: say "[d]out[x]". To say outside: say "[d]outside[x]".

To say Cnorth: say "[dc]North[x]". To say Cnortheast: say "[dc]Northeast[x]". To say Ceast: say "[dc]East[x]". To say Csoutheast: say "[dc]Southeast[x]". To say Csouth: say "[dc]South[x]". To say Csouthwest: say "[dc]Southwest[x]". To say Cwest: say "[dc]West[x]". To say Cnorthwest: say "[dc]Northwest[x]".